full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But I was curious to know, what else would they do if they could do this much? I started experimenting with other sbectjus, among them, for example, pronunciation. There's one community of children in southern iidna whose eilngsh pronunciation is really bad, and they nedeed good pronunciation because that would improve their jobs. I gave them a speech-to-text engine in a computer, and I said, "Keep talking into it until it types what you say." (Laughter) They did that, and watch a little bit of this.

Open Cloze

But I was curious to know, what else would they do if they could do this much? I started experimenting with other ________, among them, for example, pronunciation. There's one community of children in southern _____ whose _______ pronunciation is really bad, and they ______ good pronunciation because that would improve their jobs. I gave them a speech-to-text engine in a computer, and I said, "Keep talking into it until it types what you say." (Laughter) They did that, and watch a little bit of this.


  1. subjects
  2. english
  3. needed
  4. india

Original Text

But I was curious to know, what else would they do if they could do this much? I started experimenting with other subjects, among them, for example, pronunciation. There's one community of children in southern India whose English pronunciation is really bad, and they needed good pronunciation because that would improve their jobs. I gave them a speech-to-text engine in a computer, and I said, "Keep talking into it until it types what you say." (Laughter) They did that, and watch a little bit of this.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
bureaucratic administrative 2
administrative machine 2
write computer 2
southern india 2
south indian 2
homo sapiens 2
british grandmothers 2
granny cloud 2
learning environments 2
total number 2
big questions 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
bureaucratic administrative machine 2

Important Words

  1. bad
  2. bit
  3. children
  4. community
  5. computer
  6. curious
  7. engine
  8. english
  9. experimenting
  10. gave
  11. good
  12. improve
  13. india
  14. jobs
  15. laughter
  16. needed
  17. pronunciation
  18. southern
  19. started
  20. subjects
  21. talking
  22. types
  23. watch